How to cancel a service appointment?
For this, a limited period of 24 hours will be available before the scheduled date. This will additionally give you time to reschedule a new date.
How to add a service you already hire?
This option is available only in our app. Download it on your cell phone and go to the "Add Service" option.
How to see images of how your service was once completed?
You will receive a warning email once your service has been served, inviting you to enter your "REQUEST PANEL". Select "PAY ORDER" and before completing this you will see BEFORE and AFTER IMAGES of the Service provided.
How do I proceed with a CLAIM?
Claims must be processed within 12 hours of service. Above this period they are not valid.
THE MONEY IS REFUNDED if I don't conform?
There is no money back, on the contrary the company gives you the right to a second service or a quota for a next wash.
How can you be a business ally?
It's simple. Register as a business partner by entering the menu link: "work with us". Fill in the details correctly and start receiving job offers from our registered clients. You can download our mobile app for a better work experience with our...
If I do not have a suitable place to perform the service...
In this case we offer you the following physical address to bring your vehicle to the place to provide the washing service: